Note to explain a change in accounting for investments

14 พฤษภาคม 2550
(Translation) May 11, 2007 Subject : Note to explain a change in accounting for investments Attention : Director and Manager of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Thanulux Public Company Limited would like to report on the effect of the change in accounting for investment in subsidiary as follows: In the three-month period ended March 31,2007, the company changed its accounting policy regarding investment in a subsidiary so that the separate financial statement, which formerly reported investment using the equity method, now reports using the cost method. This is to comply with TAS 44. Thus the company restated its financial statement by using the historical cost as the cost of the investment in a subsidiary of the separate financial statement. This adjustment caused the net income on the separate financial statement to differ from that reported in the consolidated financial statement. The company had net income of THB 75.61 million for the three-month period ended March 31, 2007, according to the consolidated financial statement. However, the separate financial statement over the same period showed a net income of THB 73.77 million. Therefore, the company would like to clarify with the additional information as follows: 1. After restating, net income for the three-month period ended March 31, 2007 and the comparable period in 2006 decreased by THB 1.84 million and 0.96 million, respectively. (that is, decreased by THB 0.02 per share and THB 0.01 per share, respectively.) This is because the separate financial statement did not include any share of profits from investments. 2. The effect from the restating to other items on the separate financial statement for the quarter ended March 31, 2007, such as investment in a subsidiary and the retained earnings on the balance sheets, increased by THB 1.51 million. The cumulative effect of the accounting policy has been presented under the heading of "Cumulative effect of the change in accounting policy for investments in subsidiaries in the separate financial statements" in the statement of changes in shareholders' equity. However, the change of accounting policy affects only the separate financial statement. It did not have any effect on the consolidated financial statements or business fundamentals. Please kindly acknowledge accordingly and publicize as appropriate. Faithfully Yours, Varindr Leelanuwatana, Dusadee Soontrontumrong (Mrs. Varindr Leelanuwatana, Ms. Dusadee Soontrontumrong) Managing director, Deputy managing director