The category for financial assistance transaction

11 สิงหาคม 2548
(Translation) No. Tor.Hor. 029/2005 August 11, 2005 Subject : The category for financial assistance transaction Attention : Director and Manager of The Stock Exchange of Thailand The board of directors of Thanulux Public Company Limited at a meeting No. 3/2005 held on Thursday, August 11, 2005 passed the following resolutions: 1. The date on which the transaction occurred : On the date of changing the promissory note which has the limit = Baht 50 million. 2. The parties involved Lender : Thanulux Public Company Limited Borrower : SSDC (Tigertex) Co., Ltd. registered capital Baht 270 million, fully paid-up, the nature of the business : textiles dyeing, bleaching and finishing. 3. The general characteristics of the transaction : The category for financial assistance transaction. 4. General transaction description : 4.1 The term of loan : Promissory note which has interest rate at least more than 0.5% per annum of average deposited rate of five commercial banks. 4.2 Total value : Increase from Baht 10 million to Baht 50 million 4.3 Transaction rationale : Thanulux Plc. holds 18.96% of share in SSDC (Tigertex) Co., Ltd.. SSDC (Tigertex) Co., Ltd. informed that the company has the project to increase the production capacity for meeting the customeris demand. So (Tigertex) Co., Ltd. has to invest in building, dyeing and bleaching machine, water treatment system. SSDC (Tigertex) Co., Ltd. requires the support of loan of Baht 40 million for this project. 4.4 The sources of funds : Company is working capital which does not affect the financial liquidity. 4.5 Details of relating and connecting persons : Saha Pathana Inter-Holding Plc. Holds in Thanulux Plc. 23.52% Holds in SSDC (Tigertex) Co., Ltd. 19.71% I.C.C. International Plc. Holds in Thanulux Plc. 10.02% Holds in SSDC (Tigertex) Co., Ltd. 19.58% Mr. Boonsithi Chokwatana Chairman of Thanulux Plc. Vice chairman of I.C.C. International Plc. Director of Saha Pathana Inter-Holding Plc. Director of SSDC (Tigertex) Co., Ltd. Mr. Manu Leelanuwatana Vice chairman of Thanulux Plc. Director of SSDC (Tigertex) Co., Ltd. Mr. Somchai Songsakdecha Director of Thanulux Plc. Director of SSDC (Tigertex) Co., Ltd. 4.6 Interested directors not attend the meeting and not vote 4.7 Opinions by the company is Board of Directors and The Audit Committee : Agree the loan for strengthening the joint venture company is financial situations which we will get benefit from financial management. The interest rate is at least more than 0.5% per annum of average deposited rate of five commercial banks. 4.8 Opinions by Director and / or Audit Committee member with significant differences from the Board of directors : None 4.9 The volume of the transaction : This transaction is considered to be a transaction prescribed in the notification of the Stock Exchange of Thailand about disclosure the information and operation of the listed company in categories of connected transactions B.E. 2546 as the category for financial assistance transaction. The transaction is less than Baht 100 million or less than 3% of Net Tangible Asset (NTA) whichever is lower. The company is NTA ending 30 June, 2005, was Baht 61.70 million which must be approved from the Board of Directors and to disclose the information to The Stock Exchange of Thailand, it was not necessary to be approved from the shareholders. Please kindly acknowledge the above matters. Faithfully Yours, Dusadee Soontrontumrong (Miss Dusadee Soontrontumrong) Deputy managing director