16 สิงหาคม 2542
(unaudited) (reviewed) Thanulux Public Company Limited and Subsidiaries Income Statement For 6 months ending June 30, (In Thousands) Consolidated The company only 1999 1998 1999 1998 Revenues Sales 524,345 500,008 521,920 498,616 Other income Licensing income 4,915 3,259 4,915 3,259 Interest income 8,270 15,268 11,050 17,470 Consulting fee 17,342 22,278 17,342 22,278 Profit on exchanges 5,914 159,132 5,729 136,871 Others 21,547 14,948 22,811 15,974 Total revenues 582,333 714,893 583,767 694,468 Operating expenses Cost of sales 402,568 364,790 402,581 370,116 Selling and administrative expenses 72,158 82,221 70,901 81,255 Interest expenses 8,924 16,201 8,019 15,883 Directors' remuneration 2,640 1,320 2,640 1,320 Licensing expenses 20,039 18,437 20,039 18,437 Loss on exchanges 3,516 145,196 3,468 127,368 Total operating expenses 509,845 628,165 507,648 614,379 Profit before income tax 72,488 86,728 76,119 80,089 Income tax 4,200 - 4,200 - Profit before realization from investment income based on the equity method 68,288 86,728 71,919 80,089 Add Investment income based on the equity method (2,402) 4,633 (6,033) 11,272 Net profit from operating 65,886 91,361 65,886 91,361 Less Profit of minor portion * - - - - Net profit of Thanulux's portion 65,886 91,361 65,886 91,361 Earnings per share (Baht) 5.49 7.61 5.49 7.61 Profit of minor portion (Baht) * (72.63) 132.78 - - (unaudited) (reviewed) Thanulux Public Company Limited and Subsidiaries Retained Earnings Statement For 6 months ending June 30, (In Thousands) Consolidated The company only 1999 1998 1999 1998 Unappropriated retained earnings Beginning balance 477,686 343,336 479,511 345,162 Add Adjustment - 783 - 783 477,686 344,119 479,511 345,945 Less Appropriations Legal reserve - - - - Dividends paid 30,000 18,000 30,000 18,000 Net profit for the period 65,886 91,361 65,886 91,361 Total unappropriated retained earnings 513,572 417,480 515,397 419,306 Appropriated retained earnings Legal reserve 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 General reserve 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 Total appropriated retained earnings 38,200 38,200 38,200 38,200 Total retained earnings 551,772 455,680 553,597 457,506 (unaudited) (reviewed) Thanulux Public Company Limited and Subsidiaries Changes in Shareholders' Equity Statement For 6 months ending June 30, (In Thousands) Consolidated The company only 1999 1998 1999 1998 Share capital Common shares Beginning balance 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 Increase - - - - Decrease - - - - Ending balance 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 Paid-in capital Premium on share capital Beginning balance 181,125 181,125 181,125 181,125 Increase - - - - Decrease - - - - Ending balance 181,125 181,125 181,125 181,125 Retained earnings Appropriated Legal reserve Beginning balance 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Increase - - - - Decrease - - - - Ending balance 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 General reserve Beginning balance 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 Increase - - - - Decrease - - - - Ending balance 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 Unappropriated Beginning balance 477,686 343,336 479,511 345,162 Increase 65,886 92,144 65,886 92,144 Decrease 30,000 18,000 30,000 18,000 Ending balance 513,572 417,480 515,397 419,306 Unrealized loss on securities for investment Beginning balance - (7,259) - (7,259) Increase - (6,409) - (6,409) Decrease - 2,857 - 2,857 Ending balance - (10,811) - (10,811) Total shareholders' equity 852,897 745,994 854,722 747,820 (unaudited) (reviewed) Thanulux Public Company Limited and Subsidiaries Cash Flow Statement For 6 months ending June 30, (In Thousands) Consolidated The company only 1999 1998 1999 1998 Cash flows from operating activities Net profit (loss) 65,886 91,361 65,886 91,361 Add (less) adjustments Depreciation and amortization 25,037 24,677 20,617 20,813 Dividend of associated companies - 1,867 - 1,867 Profit of minor portion - - - - Loss from disposal of securities 135 - 135 - Loss from investment 900 4,200 900 4,200 Investment income based on the equity method 2,402 (4,633) 6,033 (11,272) (Profit) Loss from disposal of fixed assets (14) (187) (14) (184) Trade accounts and notes receivable (increase) decrease 38,938 2,416 41,830 (4,681) Inventories (increase) decrease (13,481) (64,576) (14,533) (54,587) Current assets (increase) decrease (13,319) (5,339) (12,509) (7,133) Other liabilities increase (decrease) 205 (482) 205 (482) Trade accounts and notes payable increase (decrease) (35,834) 64,928 (45,691) 62,419 Accrued income tax increase (decrease) 3,634 - 3,634 - Other current liabilities increase (decrease) (6,836) (9,999) (7,917) (7,833) Net cash provided by operating activities 67,653 104,233 58,576 94,488 (unaudited) (reviewed) Thanulux Public Company Limited and Subsidiaries Cash Flow Statement For 6 months ending June 30, (In Thousands) Consolidated The company only 1999 1998 1999 1998 Cash flows from investing activities Short-term loans (increase) decrease Related parties 42,500 41,076 68,235 28,759 Others - 544 - 544 Loans to employees (increase) decrease - (5) - (5) Acquisition of securities - Related parties (increase) decrease (350) (12,097) (350) (12,097) Disposal of securities - Related parties (increase) decrease 15,365 - 15,365 - Acquisition of fixed assets (32,860) (31,293) (32,822) (7,089) Disposal of fixed assets 496 336 497 336 Other assets (167) (2,720) (28) (1,803) Net cash used in investing activities 24,984 (4,159) 50,897 8,645 Cash flows from financial activities Bank overdrafts and loans from financial institutions increase (decrease) (54,061) (14,512) (55,915) (14,186) Long-term liabilities and current portion of long - term liabilities increase (decrease) (700) (55,495) (700) (55,495) Short - term loans - Related parties increase (decrease) (488) (10,658) (12,488) (9,658) Dividend payments (30,000) (18,000) (30,000) (18,000) Net cash provided by financial activities (85,249) (98,665) (99,103) (97,339) Net increase (decrease) in cash 7,388 1,409 10,370 5,794 Cash at beginning of period 21,630 35,655 16,768 29,827 Cash at end of period 29,018 37,064 27,138 35,621 Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information : Cash payment during the year Interest payment 10,028 19,105 8,507 18,545 Income tax 569 922 566 922