18 สิงหาคม 2541
(Translation) Subject : Companys performance for the second quater in 1998 Thanulux Public Company Limited would like to inform the performance as shown in the financial statement for 6 months period in 1998. The companys net profit for the same period of time, was different more than 20% from last year. Net profit for the first half, in 1997 was Baht 28.64 million, in 1998 was Baht 91.36 million. The first half in 1998 increased Baht 62.72 million from last year or was equal to 218.99%. The explanation of the increment of profit are as followings :- 1. The company gained Baht 13.94 million in the currency exchange for first half of 1998 which was Baht 16.70 million more than 1997. It was because of Baht was stronger than it was on December 31, 1997. 2. The other income was increased for Baht 21.11 million which come from the consulting fee of the affiliated companies. 3. The cost of goods sold decreased Baht 35.94 million as the sale decreased Baht 4.53 million. The domestic sale decreased, but the export sale increased. The exchange rate in the first half, of 1997 was Baht 25/US$ 1, of 1998 was Baht 40-50/US$ 1. The production expenses and raw material consumption had also decreased accordingly.