Mr. Kavin Kanjanapas
  • Chairman of the Executive Director
  • Nomination and Remuneration Committee Member

49 Years
Appointment date
December 7, 2022
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Stonyhurst College, United Kingdom
Training course
  • Top Executive Program (CMA 16) Year 2013, Capital Market Academy
  • Director Accreditation Program (DAP) Year 2007, Thai Institute of Directors (IOD)

Others listed company :
2020 - Present
Chief Officer of MATCH Business, BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited
2018 - Present
Director, Kerry Express (Thailand) Plc.
2017 - Present
Director, Rabbit Holdings Public Company Limited
2015 - Present
Chief Executive Officer, BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited
2012 - Present
Chairman of the Executive Committee, VGI Plc.
2010 - Present
Executive Director, BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited
2007 - Present
Director, BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited
2003 - Present
Director, VGI Plc.
Others non-listed companies :
57 Companies
Competitive business related to company’s business :
- None -
Share hold %
- None -
Family relationship among executives
- None -
Any position in others business or other organization in the previous year which has an impact the time devoted significant
- None -