Mr. Nuntawat Surawatsatien
  • Director
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Sustainability Committee Member

40 Years
Appointment date
June 1, 2023
  • Master‘s degree of Finance (Investment Management), Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
  • Bachelor’s degree of Business Administration (BBA), Chulalongkorn University
Training course
  • How to Develop a Risk Management Plan (HRP) 35/2023, Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD)
  • CFO Refresher Course 2023, The Stock Exchange of Thailand
  • TLCA CFO CPD No. 7/2023 "Economic Update for CFO", Thai Listed Companies Association
  • TLCA CFO Professional Development Program (TLCA CFO CPD) No. 8/2023 “Guidelines for issuing and offering debt instruments for environmental conservation”, Thai Listed Companies Association

Others listed company :
2016 - 2023
Executive Vice President, Corporate Banking, Siam Commercial Bank
Others non-listed companies :
- None -
Competitive business related to company’s business :
- None -
Share hold %
- None -
Family relationship among executives
- None -
Any position in others business or other organization in the previous year which has an impact the time devoted significant
- None -