Ms. Chawadee Rungruang
  • Director

46 Years
Appointment date
December 7, 2022
  • Master of Business Administration, Chulalongkorn University
  • Bachelor's Degree of Accounting, Chulalongkorn University
Training course
  • TLCA Executive Development Program, Year 2013 (EDP12), Thai Listed Companies Association
  • Strategic CFO in Capital Markets Program, Year 2018, Thailand Securities Institute (TSI), The Stock Exchange of Thailand
  • Strategic and Appreciative Business Development Program (The Master), Year 2022, Institute of Strategic and Appreciative Business Thailand (iSAB)
  • Director Certification Program (DCP 342) Year 2023, Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD)
  • E-Learning CFOs Orientation Course for New IPOs, Year 2023, The Stock Exchange of Thailand

Others listed company :
2023 - Present
Chief Financial Officer, BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited
2011 - 2023
Financial Controller, BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited
Others non-listed companies :
1 Company
Competitive business related to company’s business :
- None -
Share hold %
- None -
Family relationship among executives
- None -
Any position in others business or other organization in the previous year which has an impact the time devoted significant
- None -