Mr. Thamarat Chokwatana
  • Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

54 Years
Appointment date
July 11, 2016
2016 - Dec 2022
  • Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Chairman of the Remuneration Committee
  • Nominating Committee Member
  • Bachelor’s Degree of Arts, Assumption University
Training course
  • Company Secretary Program (CSP 31/2009)
  • Director Certification Program (DCP 68/2005)
  • Director Accreditation Program (DAP 3/2003) Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD)

Others listed company :
2023 - Present
Executive Director of Marketing and Sales, Thai Wacoal Public Company Limited
2021 - Present
Managing Director and Chairman of the Executive Board, Remuneration Committee Member, Chairman of the Nomination Committee Member, Risk Management Committee, I.C.C. International Public Company Limited
2017 - Present
Director, Saha Phatanapibul Public Company Limited
2001 - Present
Director, Thai Wacoal Public Company Limited
2009 - Present
Director, Managing Director, Vice Chairman of Executive Committee, President of G Department, President of S Department, President of N Department, I.C.C. International Public Company Limited
1999 - Present
Director, I.C.C. International Public Company Limited
Others non-listed companies :
45 Companies
2022 - Present
Director, TNLX Co., Ltd.
Competitive business related to company’s business :
- None -
Share hold %
252,747 shares (0.12%)
Family relationship among executives
- None -
Any position in others business or other organization in the previous year which has an impact the time devoted significant
- None -