The additional information of the resolutions of Board of Di

19 February 2010
(Translation) No. Tor Hor. 010/2010 February 19, 2010 Subject : The additional information of the resolutions of Board of Directors Attention : Director and General Manager of The Stock Exchange of Thailand Regarding our letter No. Tor Hor. 006/2010, Thanulux Public Company Limited had informed the resolutions of Board of Directors meeting No. 1/2010 held on February 17, 2010. Company would like to inform additionally about an agenda 7 and agenda 8 of the appointment of meeting agendas for the 36th Shareholders' Meeting, which we will present to shareholders' for consideration as follow: Agenda 7 Amendment to "Agenda 7 Consideration for the approval of an amendment of the Company's Memorandum of Association No. 3 (company's objectives) of which for amendment item no. 12 and increase items no. 22 to no. 25 making a new the total of 25 items as following details: Present no.12 To provide guarantee against debt, liabilities, and guarantee offence by other persons whether have or don't have personnel guarantee or collateral , as well as providing guarantee for persons or juristic person entering the country. Amendment no.12 To engage in business activities providing guarantee against liabilities,and guarantee offence by other persons, as well as providing guarantee for persons entering or leaving the country, in accordance with Immigrations Laws, Taxation Laws, and other laws. To provide bail for persons in criminal case or under court proceedings, or persons committing offences against laws. Increase no.22 To engage in direct sales and direct marketing business, in accordance with The Direct Sales and Marketing ACT B.E. 2545, as well as other relevant laws to come into effect in the future (subject to approval from relevant government agency). Increase no.23 To engage product sales and services business, or e-commerce business under the company's business objectives, or engaging in other business activities utilizing the internet,publication, TV, electronic media, or any other media and other electronic device, as well as the set-up and management of website, and/or engaging in website providing financial counseling, providing internet advertisement, and internet data search, and other payable services (subject to approval from relevant government agency). Increase no.24 To engage in business providing electronic payment services, in accordance with the laws supervising electronic payment or other relevant laws, as well as providing services accepting payment (subject to approval from relevant government agency). Increase no.25 To engage in business providing services to acquire, install, process, and compile information via the information technology systems as well as other services related to information technology. " Agenda 8 Consideration for the approval of an amendment of the company articles of association additional information as below "In order that the Company articles of association to comply with legal provisions, regulations,announcement and relevant guidelines, as well as to the flexibility in operations, the company must be amended its articles of association no.30 and cancelled no. 18 and no. 65 as follows: Present Article no.30 The Board of Directors shall have the powers and duties to operate the Company in accordance with the laws, objectives, articles of association and resolutions of the shareholder meeting. The Board of Directors shall have the power to elect certain number of directors to be an administrative committee to carry out any or many business subject to any condition or may assign a director or other persons to perform any act on behalf of the Board of Directors. Amendment Article no.29 The Board of Directors are authorized to manage the company according to the laws, objectives, articles of association and resolutions adopted by the shareholders'meeting. The Board of Directors are authorized to appoint the directors and/or employees and/or outside persons, as executive directors, to engage in an activity or activities, under any specific instruction. Or otherwise, The Board of Directors may assign a Director or any other person to carry out any specific assignment on behalf of The Board of Directors. Cancelled Article no.18 During the period of twenty-one (21) days prior to each shareholder meeting, the Company may cease to effect registration of the share transfers by announcing to the shareholder at the head and branch offices of the Company not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the commencement date of cessation of the registration of share transfer. Cancelled Article no.65 In the case where the Company or its subsidiaries enters into connecting transaction, in accordance with The notification by the board of governors of the stock exchange of Thailand regarding Disclosure of Information and Other Acts of Listed Companies Concerning the Connected Transactions, 2003 No.2, 2004 and No.3, 2004 respectively, or otherwise enters into such transaction related to the acquisition or disposition of assets of the Company or its subsidiaries, in accordance with The notification by the board of governors of the stock exchange of Thailand regarding Disclosure of Information and Other Acts of Listed Companies Concerning the Acquisition and Disposition of Assets, 2004, as the case may be, the Company shall thereupon be required to comply with the requirements and procedures being specified in such related notifications. Above paragraph one shall not apply in the case where such company securities have not been earlier registered with The Stock Exchange of Thailand. " Please kindly acknowledge the above matters. Faithfully Yours, Dusadee Soontrontumrong ( Miss Dusadee Soontrontumrong ) Deputy managing director