15 May 2000
(unaudited) (reviewed) Thanulux Public Company Limited and Subsidiaries Balance Sheet . (In Thousands) Consolidated The company only ASSETS As of Mar.31, As of Dec.31,As of Mar.31,As of Dec.31, 2000 1999 2000 1999 Current assets Cash on hand and at banks 88,942 53,549 86,380 50,677 Fixed deposit 153,582 165,000 153,582 165,000 Trade accounts and notes receivable 183,362 241,785 184,565 242,158 Less allowance for doubtful accounts 3,481 5,538 3,481 5,538 Trade accounts and notes receivable, net 179,881 236,247 181,084 236,620 Short-term loans - Related parties 84,000 87,000 140,000 145,500 Inventories 221,352 192,374 207,982 180,789 Other current assets Accrued revenue 37,188 29,339 37,353 29,343 Advances 2,388 1,546 2,385 1,546 Others 3,697 2,932 3,853 3,238 Total current assets 771,030 767,987 812,619 812,713 Investments - Related parties 217,398 184,884 227,436 196,594 - Others 24,208 24,058 24,208 24,058 Property, plant and equipment, net 441,406 449,661 376,524 382,749 Other assets Advances 23,089 23,089 23,089 23,089 Deferred charges 2,345 2,481 2,171 2,441 Others 4,202 4,122 4,182 4,103 Total assets 1,483,678 1,456,282 1,470,229 1,445,747 (unaudited) (reviewed) Thanulux Public Company Limited and Subsidiaries Balance Sheet . (In Thousands) Consolidated The company only LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY As of Mar.31,As of Dec.31,As of Mar.31,As of Dec.31, 2000 1999 2000 1999 Current liabilities Bank overdrafts and loans from financial institutions - 331 - 331 Trade accounts and notes payable 161,328 151,822 152,816 142,853 Short-term loans from related parties 4,000 4,000 - - Current portion of long-term liabilities - - - - Other current liabilities Accrued income tax 18,138 13,050 18,138 13,050 Accrued expenses 25,947 52,429 23,247 53,098 Accrued royalty 9,182 11,211 9,182 11,211 Others 1,049 4,401 988 4,401 Total current liabilities 219,644 237,244 204,371 224,944 Debenture 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 Other liabilities 1,735 1,593 1,735 1,532 Total liabilities 521,379 538,837 506,106 526,476 Shareholders' equity Share capital Authorized share capital, common shares 12,000,000 shares Par value Baht 10.00 per share 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 Issued and paid-up share capital 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 Premium on share capital 181,125 181,125 181,125 181,125 Retained earnings Appropriated Legal reserve 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 General reserve 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 Unappropriated 605,366 558,405 607,191 560,231 Minority interest * - - - - Unrealized gain (loss) for marketable securities 17,607 19,715 17,607 19,715 Total shareholders' equity 962,298 917,445 964,123 919,271 Total Liabilities and Shareholders' equity 1,483,677 1,456,282 1,470,229 1,445,747 Minority interest (Baht) * 205.30 239.62 - - (unaudited) (reviewed) Thanulux Public Company Limited and Subsidiaries Income Statement For the 3 months ending March 31, .................. (In Thousands) Consolidated The company only 1 Jan.2000- 1 Jan.1999- 1 Jan.2000- 1 Jan.1999- 31 Mar.2000 31 Mar.1999 31 Mar.2000 31 Mar.1999 Revenues Sales 328,484 267,351 323,583 268,099 Other income Profit on exchanges 5,357 3,818 5,268 3,649 Licensing income 2,133 2,601 2,133 2,601 Interest income 4,346 4,021 5,761 5,558 Consulting fee 23,114 - 23,114 - Others 6,150 6,175 6,678 6,923 Total revenues 369,584 283,966 366,537 286,830 Operating expenses Cost of sales 249,127 201,597 245,607 203,338 Selling and administrative expenses 42,333 32,344 41,208 33,073 Directors' remuneration 115 - 115 - Loss on exchanges 3,117 2,261 3,088 2,252 Loss from impairment of assets 1,101 - 1,058 - Licensing expenses 10,961 10,670 10,961 10,670 Interest expenses 6,467 6,437 6,421 4,439 Total operating expenses 313,221 253,309 308,458 253,772 Profit before income tax 56,363 30,657 58,079 33,058 Income tax 9,403 - 9,403 - Profit before realization profit sharing from Subsidiaries and Associated companies 46,960 30,657 48,676 33,058 Add Profit (loss) sharing from Subsidiaries and Associated companies - (1,211) (1,716) (3,612) Net profit from operating 46,960 29,446 46,960 29,446 Less Profit of minor Portion * - - - - Net profit 46,960 29,446 46,960 29,446 Earnings per share (Baht) 3.91 2.45 3.91 2.45 Profit of minor Portion * (Baht) 34.32 48.02 - - (unaudited) (reviewed) Thanulux Public Company Limited and Subsidiaries Changes in Shareholders' Equity Statement For the 3 months ending March 31, ................. (In Thousands) Consolidated The company only 1 Jan.2000 - 1 Jan.1999 - 1 Jan.2000 - 1 Jan.1999 - 31 Mar.2000 31 Mar.1999 31 Mar.2000 31 Mar.1999 Share capital Common shares Beginning balance 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 Ending balance 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 Paid-in capital Premium on share capital Beginning balance 181,125 181,125 181,125 181,125 Ending balance 181,125 181,125 181,125 181,125 Retained earnings Appropriated Legal reserve Beginning balance 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Ending balance 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 General reserve Beginning balance 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 Ending balance 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 Unappropriated Beginning balance 558,406 477,685 560,231 479,511 Net profit 46,960 29,446 46,960 29,446 Ending balance 605,366 507,131 607,191 508,957 Unrealized gain (loss) for marketable securities Beginning balance 19,715 - 19,715 - Decrease 2,108 - 2,108 - Ending balance 17,607 - 17,607 - Total shareholders' equity 962,298 846,456 964,123 848,282 (unaudited) (reviewed) Thanulux Public Company Limited and Subsidiaries Cash Flow Statement For the 3 months ending March 31, ........................ (In Thousands) Consolidated The company only 1 Jan.2000 - 1 Jan.1999 - 1 Jan.2000 - 1 Jan.1999 - 31 Mar.2000 31 Mar.1999 31 Mar.2000 31 Mar.1999 Cash flows from operating activities Net profit (loss) 46,960 29,446 46,960 29,446 Add (less) adjustments Depreciation and amortization 12,010 12,345 10,087 10,147 Profit (loss) sharing from Subsidiaries and Associated companies - 1,211 1,716 3,612 Loss from impairment of assets 1,100 - 1,058 - (Profit) Loss from disposal of fixed assets (880) (104) (882) (106) (Profit) Loss from disposal of securities (300) - (300) - Trade accounts and notes receivable (increase) decrease 56,367 48,440 55,537 48,231 Inventories (increase) decrease (28,977) (6,250) (27,193) (6,309) Current assets (increase) decrease (9,456) 3,567 (9,456) 3,876 Other liabilities increase (decrease) 142 83 203 83 Trade accounts and notes payable increase (decrease) 9,506 (52,948) 9,963 (11,605) Accrued income tax increase (decrease) 5,087 - 5,087 - Other current liabilities increase (decrease) (31,863) (5,260) (35,293) (7,024) Net cash provided by operating activities 59,696 30,530 57,487 70,351 Cash flows from investing activities Fixed deposit (increase) decrease 11,418 - 11,418 - Short-term loans (increase) decrease - Related parties 3,000 12,500 5,500 33,900 Loans to employees (increase) decrease 5 11 5 11 Acquisition of securities Related parties (increase) decrease (35,873) (350) (35,873) (350) Acquisition of fixed assets (4,351) (2,819) (4,457) (2,814) Disposal of fixed assets 1,747 245 1,747 245 Disposal of securities - Related parties - 12,500 - 12,500 - Others 300 - 300 - Other assets (increase) decrease (218) (84) (84) 10 Net cash used in investing activities (23,972) 22,003 (21,444) 43,502 (unaudited) (reviewed) Thanulux Public Company Limited and Subsidiaries Cash Flow Statement For the 3 months ending March 31, . (In Thousands) Consolidated The company only 1 Jan.2000 - 1 Jan.1999 - 1 Jan.2000 - 1 Jan.1999 - 31 Mar.2000 31 Mar.1999 31 Mar.2000 31 Mar.1999 Cash flows from financing activities Bank overdrafts and loans from financial institutions increase (decrease) (331) (9,745) (331) (12,223) Short - term loans - Related parties increase (decrease) - 45,046 - (12,489) Net cash provided by financing activities (331) 35,301 (331) (24,712) Net increase (decrease) in cash 35,393 87,834 35,703 89,141 Cash at beginning of period 53,549 21,630 50,677 16,768 Cash at end of period 88,942 109,464 86,380 105,909 Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information : Cash payment during the year Interest payment 15,106 5,352 13,621 4,759 Income tax 4,315 343 4,315 343