29 February 2000
(Translation) February 28, 2000 Subject : Company's performance for the year 1999 Attention : Director and Manager of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Thanulux Public Company Limited would like to inform the performance as shown in the annual financial statement of 1999. The company's net profit, the same period of time, was different more than 20% from last year. The net profit in 1999 was Baht 110.72 million. The net profit in 1998 was Baht 152.35 million. It decreased Baht 41.63 million from last year or was equal to 27.32% The explanation of the decline of profit are as followings: 1. The company got loss from impairment of assets amounting Baht 17.74 million which followed "Thai Accounting Standards" chapter 36th "The Impairment of Assets" and chapter 40th " Accounting for investment in debt and equity securities". 2. The profit from currency exchange was decreased Baht 37.9 million from last year. It's because of the more stability of Baht. 3. The company have to pay coperated tax amounting Baht 14.9 million. Please kindly acknowledge the above matters. Faithfully Yours, ..................................................... Director