18 August 1998
(reviewed) Thanulux Public Company Limited and Subsidiaries Cash Flow Statement For the quarter 2 ending 30 June (In Thousands) Consolidated The company only 1998 1998 Cash flows from operating activities Net profit (loss) 11,368 11,368 Add (less) adjustments Depreciation and amortization 12,316 10,341 Dividend of associated companies 1,867 1,867 Revenue from investment by equity method (883) 1,961 Loss from investment 3,150 3,150 (Profit) Loss from disposal of fixed assets (19) (17) Trade accounts and notes receivable (increase) decreas (11,125) (13,331) Inventories (increase) decrease (65,400) (57,049) Current assets (increase) decrease 2,793 1,284 Other liabilities increase (decrease) 58 58 Trade accounts and notes payable increase (decrease) 61,891 56,502 Other current liabilities increase (decrease) (699) 215 Profit of minor portion 0.00 0.00 Net cash provided by operating activities 15,317 16,349 Cash flows from investing activities Short-term loans (increase) decrease Related parties 41,476 13,512 Others 464 464 Loans to employees (increase) decrease (5) (5) Acquisition of securities - Related parties 0.00 0.00 Loss from investment 0.00 0.00 Acquisition of fixed assets (30,304) (6,102) Disposal of fixed assets 17 17 Other assets 753 2,423 Net cash used in investing activities 12,401 10,309 (reviewed) Thanulux Public Company Limited and Subsidiaries Cash Flow Statement For the quarter 2 ending 30 June (In Thousands) Consolidated The company only 1998 1998 Cash flows from financial activities Bank overdrafts and loans from financial institutions increase (decrease) 23,363 25,267 Long-term liabilities and current portion of long - term liabilities increase (decrease) (20,967) (20,967) Short - term loans - Related parties increase (decreas (14,075) (13,218) Dividend payments (18,000) (18,000) Net cash provided by financial activities (29,679) (26,918) Net increase (decrease) in cash (1,961) (260) Cash at beginning of period 39,025 35,881 Cash at end of period 37,064 35,621 Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information : Cash payment during the year Interest payment 7,468 7,620 Income tax 607 607 (reviewed) Thanulux Public Company Limited and Subsidiaries Cash Flow Statement For 6 months ending 30 June (In Thousands) Consolidated The company only 1998 1998 Cash flows from operating activities Net profit (loss) 91,361 91,361 Add (less) adjustments Depreciation and amortization 24,677 20,813 Dividend of associated companies 1,867 1,867 Profit of minor portion 0.00 0.00 Loss from investment 4,200 4,200 Revenue from investment by equity method (4,633) (11,272) (Profit) Loss from disposal of fixed assets (187) (184) Trade accounts and notes receivable (increase) decreas 2,416 (4,681) Inventories (increase) decrease (64,576) (54,587) Current assets (increase) decrease (5,339) (7,133) Other liabilities increase (decrease) (482) (482) Trade accounts and notes payable increase (decrease) 64,928 62,419 Other current liabilities increase (decrease) (9,999) (7,833) Net cash provided by operating activities 104,233 94,488 Cash flows from investing activities Short-term loans (increase) decrease Related parties 41,076 28,759 Others 544 544 Loans to employees (increase) decrease (5) (5) Acquisition of securities - Related parties (12,097) (12,097) Acquisition of fixed assets (31,293) (7,089) Disposal of fixed assets 336 336 Other assets (2,720) (1,803) Net cash used in investing activities (4,159) 8,645 (reviewed) Thanulux Public Company Limited and Subsidiaries Cash Flow Statement For 6 months ending 30 June (In Thousands) Consolidated The company only 1998 1998 Cash flows from financial activities Bank overdrafts and loans from financial institutions increase (decrease) (14,512) (14,186) Long-term liabilities and current portion of long - term liabilities increase (decrease) (55,495) (55,495) Short - term loans - Related parties increase (decreas (10,658) (9,658) Dividend payments (18,000) (18,000) Net cash provided by financial activities (98,665) (97,339) Net increase (decrease) in cash 1,409 5,794 Cash at beginning of period 35,655 29,827 Cash at end of period 37,064 35,621 Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information : Cash payment during the year Interest payment 19,105 18,545 Income tax 922 922